

Final conference - 21.12.2022, Athlitikos Sillogos Pera, Greece

Final conference - 21.12.2022, Athlitikos Sillogos Pera, Greece

The event took place in the events’ hall of Athlitikos Sillogos Pera Club with the presence of 69 people including the Mayor of Palaio Faliro, President of the Municipal Council of Alimos and representative of the Mayor and other members of the City Council, the Coordinator of the Government’s Secretariat for Disabled People, the coordinator of the program Ms Skaloumbakaw (Habilis), two members of the Board of Directors of "HORIZONTES" with which we cooperated in the program, the Vice President of the Byzantine Sports Center etc.

Final conference - 20.12.2022, BEYOGLUSPOR, Turkey

Final conference - 20.12.2022, BEYOGLUSPOR, Turkey

The event organized in the premises of BEYOGLUSPOR with the participation of 74 participants including the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the Mayor of Beyogluspor. During the event the results of the project were presented and the importance of sport for people with Autism was highlighted with special reference to table tennis advantages.

Final conference - 17.12.2022, NUIG, Ireland

Final conference - 17.12.2022, NUIG, Ireland

The event was attended at 54 people. A presentation was provided by Dr. Ciara Gunning on the work completed on the project including the curriculum development, the pilot training for coaches, the development of the SPAUT VR application, as all as piloting the SPAUT VR application with adolescents with Autism and the outcomes.

Final conference - 16-17.12.2022, LOVAAS, Spain

Final conference - 16-17.12.2022, LOVAAS, Spain

The event was held on December 16 and 17 at Esade Creapolis and at the Fasia special education school with an attendance of 46 people.The event was structured in two parts: A first theoretical part where the project, the platform and VR were explained and a second part where practical cases were presented.

Final conference - 13.12.2022, Onisilos Lakatamias, Cyprus

Final conference - 13.12.2022, Onisilos Lakatamias, Cyprus

The final conference in Cyprus was organized in order to present the results of the project by ONISILOS LAKATAMIAS with the cooperation of CCC at the premises of ONISILOS LAKATAMIAS. 44 stakeholders participated and they had the opportunity to receive a guided introduction to the SPAUT PROJECT results and discuss how such initiatives can be adopted and promoted by persons with autism.

Event for Networking Operators - 3.10.2022, LOVAAS, Spain

Event for Networking Operators - 3.10.2022, LOVAAS, Spain

The event was held at the Sant Cugat town hall and 17 people participated, including members of the town hall, sports professionals, public institutions and TEA professionals that offers health and support services to people with Autism. The event was incorporated into the quarterly meeting that TEA entities hold every 3 months to explain interesting projects.

Event for Networking Operators - 27.07.2022, Onisilos Lakatamias, Cyprus

Event for Networking Operators - 27.07.2022, Onisilos Lakatamias, Cyprus

On the 27th of July 2022 at Onisilos Club we had the 1ST Networking Event which was organized by the club for the Erasmus+ Project - SPAUT. On this event 25 people took part. The aim of the event was to inform the participants about the target of the program, the progress of it and to give the ability to the Autism persons/athletes to have the 1st meeting with the coaches and the training hall that the trainings would took place.

Event for Networking Operators - 07.09.2022, NUIG, Ireland

Event for Networking Operators - 07.09.2022, NUIG, Ireland

Individuals with Autism, family members and people who support people with Autism were invited to University of Galway to hear about the SPAUT project. The event hosted 25 participants. During the event an update on the project was provided by Dr. Helena Lydon as well as offering people an opportunity to try the virtual reality application which was developed as part of the project.

4th meeting - July 25th and 26th 2022 – Galway, Ireland

The fourth meeting was held in Ireland in person hosted by NUG on July 25th and 26th. There was discussion of the way that the curriculum was translated into e-content as well as the way that it was delivered through the platform and the way that the coaches would be assessed and certified. An important part of the discussion was the use of the VR equipment and questions regarding proper use.

3rd (online) meeting -15.09.21 - HABILIS - Virtual Meeting

The third meeting was arranged virtually because of the pandemic on the 15th of September 2021. The partners discussed the type of e-learning platform that would be designed and implemented and the type of educational materials used.

Event for Networking Operators - 24.06.2021, BEYOGLUSPOR, Turkey

The event organized in the premises of BEYOGLUSPOR with the participation of 25 participants relevant form the local community that are involved in the sports and disability sectors. During the event, the project was presented and the work done by the project team for all project outputs. Emphasis was paid to the materials and tools developed, the importance of the VR and the organization of the train the coaches and pilot phases.

2nd (online) meeting - 28.01.21 – HABILIS - Virtual Meeting

The second meeting was arranged virtually because of the pandemic on the 28th of January of 2021, and all partners participated. There was discussion of the repercussions from the Covid pandemic on project progress. Progress in IO1 and IO2 were examined vis a vis the development of the e-learning platform (IO3).

1st (kick off) meeting - February 7th 2020 - Neo Irakleio, Greece

The first (kick off) meeting was held in person in Greece on Feb 7th 2020 just a few weeks before the outbreak of covid-19. Almost all partners participated in person (except NUG which participated on line). There was extensive discussion about the implementation phase, details regarding each partner's involvement and explanations regarding budget allocation and documentation of expenses. Misunderstandings were cleared and a plan for action was drafted.




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